Anonymous Celebrity Panties

My dear Lingeristas, let me introduce you to Alias Lulu, writer extraordinaire of this Eve's Apples column, Anonymous Celebrity Panties. She'll be posting about intimate lingerie belonging to celebrities, allowing you to guess "That Famous Celebrity Panty!"

This post is all in fun. It's to put a smile on your face and see how people in the public eye are celebrating their inner Eves.

The Anonymous Celebrity Panties...

"Gentle readers:

Allow me to introduce myself.

I'm made of black leather.

I'm not your Friend.

I like whips & chains!

Seriously, the very sight of me sends men and women shivering (wicked laughter ensues).

Children like me.

I love my brother.

Who am I?"

Post your answers in the comments section. Scroll to the bottom of the blog to find out whose Celebrity Panty is speaking above.


Angelina Jolie's Corset